
Our experienced team of engineer's means that Bailey Morris Ltd can offer the complete propshaft service, including full evaluations and quotations, and our capability includes the following specifications:

  • From SAE 0500 series to 1900 series flanged and open yoke designs
  • DIN 58mm flange to 250mm inclusive
  • We also welcome enquiries for larger series industrial style shafts from a flange diameter of 285mm upwards
  • DIN (KV) cross tooth 120mm to 208mm
  • Mechanics 2C - 15C J800
  • Variety of American and Asian type shafts (including reverse sleeve gear-box designs)
  • Specialist service for dynamometer and engine test cell shafts
  • Flexible drive couplings
  • A comprehensive propshaft repair and modification service is provided by our service department

We have fully accredited ISO9001 status and produce shafts which are dynamically balanced using ISO1940 specifications.

Click here to view our ISO certificate.